Right now we have an economic system that rewards “one” thing:
- Wealth building: (which, in turn really is)
- fulfilling individual (and government) desires and productivity
Is it possible to modify the system so that it also rewards the following?:
[How do you reward these “soft” things economically???]
Economic level:
- Provides a wide variety of opportunities to earn a living
- Includes externality costs in creation of wealth
- Develops technology and efficiency
- Reduces unequal distribution of wealth
Societal Level:
- Peaceful communities
- Equal opportunities
- Higher levels of trust
- Opportunities to connect and have relationships
- Increase desire to help each other when needed
- Lower crime
- Increase respect for people, personal possessions and public space
- Friendliness
- Support for Broken people
- Personal development
Political Level:
- Freedom
- Justice
- People’s (very limited) rights
- Balance of power